What Is Going On? – The Whole Story – Job

Josh Carstensen, Lead Pastor
January 8, 2023

Pastor Josh Carstensen continues a series called "What Is Going On?" where we read the entire Bible in a year. The book of Job wrestles with suffering and asking if God is good and just. It's troubling for most people because Job is blameless and upright, yet God permits Satan to take everything away from him. Most of the book has Job debating with his friends on why this happened to him. And at the end, Job meets face-to-face with God for an unforgettable response. At the end of the message, you'll have time to reflect on your own questions in life.

Then this week, read the book of Job. Also, check out nwhills.com/hub for additional resources like book overviews, reading plans, and application questions.

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