Ready for the next step?


Meet the NWH Fam!

if you are new(-er) to NWH, we want to get to know you and also give you the opportunity to get to know us, as a church, a little better! Reach out to us, fill out a Connect Card, or attend one of our Meet the NWH Fam meals that happen periodically!

These casual lunches take place about once every three months. During which, we share a bit more about our NWH vision, how to stay in the loop on all things NWH, and how to get connected! Bring your questions along with you too! We always have a number of staff present and welcome any questions! Keep a lookout for our next one!
Don't be shy. We want to help you get connected and be known here. This is a family at NWH and we want you to be a part of it.

Keep a look out for our next gathering! Email for more info!


Baptism at NWH

Have you recently accepted Jesus as your Savior? Here at NWH, we believe that baptism is the outward demonstration of the inward reality of our faith in Jesus Christ. It is a step of obedience and pictures our identification with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. It is post-conversion, public immersion in water in the name of Jesus Christ. Learn more about baptism and share your interest with us here.


Membership at NWH

Membership is a commitment to belonging to the local church and its mission. Our mission at NWH is to Love Jesus, Live Like Jesus and Make Him Known. We host membership classes throughout the year that share more deeply what we, as a church, believe and all about what membership means. Share your interest in becoming a member here!


Engage with the Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines are practices, that can be found in the Bible, that help promote spiritual growth in the Christian's life. These included prayer, silence and solitude, sabbath (a day of rest), fasting, Bible reading and meditation, celebration, and many more. These practices become the rhythms of our lives and are practiced out of love for Jesus.

These disciplines are not a means to salvation, which is a free gift from God, but help attune our hearts to His in our daily lives.

Here are a few great resources for pursuing a deeper commitment to the spiritual disciplines!

Celebration of the Disciplines by Richard Foster (Book)

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero

The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard

"Practice the Disciplines" NWH Sermon Series (Recorded Sermon Series) 


Join a Community Group

Being in community is one of the main ways that we live like Jesus! Community Groups are the NWH version of small groups and are made up of people who live out the mission of God together in community through regular gatherings with food, fellowship, accountability, serving, study, prayer and outreach. Community Groups serve to mobilize the church and to connect people to one another to share life and grow together! Find the Community Group that's right for you here!


Serve on a Serve Team 

Serving is an outflow of the love that Jesus has showed us. There are many ways to serve here at NWH! Sign up to join a Serve Team and share your gifts and time with others.