NWH Women seeks to provide a place where women of all different backgrounds an come together for friendship and fellowship, and to be encouraged in their walk with God.

Questions? Email us at women@nwhills.com!

Women's fall Bible studies begin the week of September 23.

We have two studies that complement our Sermon series and two time options for each.
Mondays 6:30pm-8pm or Thursdays 9:30am-11am.

Click the studies below for more information and to sign up.




More Women's Opportunities




HOME (Helping Our Moms Excel)

HOME is a group where moms of children five years and under can enjoy support and encouragement with other moms as we embrace this joyous, yet exhausting motherhood journey together. Come and join us! This parenting journey is so much better done together.

For more information, visit helpingourmoms.com or email home@helpingourmoms.com.


Home NEXT is the next step for moms of school aged kids. This is a much more casual version of HOME, a bring your own brown bag lunch style, with round table discussion on various topics that we long to discuss as we navigate these school years. We are on a break from our regular meeting times for the summer! We will begin meeting again October 2024.

For more information, email natalie@nwhills.com or call (541) 231-3652.