Lead Pastor Josh Carstensen continues a series on the life of Peter. Peter asks Jesus how often he should forgive someone who sins against him. As many as seven times? That seems like a lot, but Jesus' answer goes way beyond seven. And that's because we have been forgiven of so much more. It's a wonderful lesson about conflict and forgiveness.
Also, as part of the "Something To Say!" series, we'll start the message with someone's testimony. We hope you find it encouraging.
00:00 Welcome and Introduction to Mother's Day Message
00:45 Something To Say: The Impact of a Mother's Faith
05:45 Message: Exploring Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35)
08:40 Deep Dive into Forgiveness and Its Christian Perspective
13:46 Understanding Forgiveness Through a Biblical Parable
20:21 Exploring the Depths of Forgiveness
28:36 Identifying True Forgiveness Through the Story of Josep