Something Better – Hebrews 11, Part 7 (Hebrews 11:17-21)

Josh Carstensen, Lead Pastor
August 7, 2022

Lead Pastor Josh Carstensen continues a series in Hebrews 11 called Something Better. God tests Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son. It's a bazaar command that seems so wrong, especially after Abraham waited 25 years for God to fulfill his promise of giving him a son. But ultimately, the test is asking if Abraham trusts God, even in difficult times. What are you willing to give up to say, "I trust you Lord?"

Also, during August, we're focusing on the spiritual discipline of simplicity. What is one way you can focus less on wealth and material goods and more on God? For example, before making any purchase this week, pause and thank God for what you already have.

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