Worship Director Justin Jackson continues a series on the writings of Peter. As Christians, we are a chosen group, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation. And now that we are God's people, we have received mercy. Think about that - we've received mercy. God did this so that He receives glory, and we proclaim the name of Jesus. In today's message, Peter instructs us on how we proclaim Jesus and make Him known: by living a life characterized by growth and submission.
Also, as part of the "Something To Say!" series, we'll start the message with someone's testimony. We hope you find it encouraging.
00:00 Welcome
00:56 Something To Say: A Journey of Faith
06:05 Message: Highlights and Reflections
08:09 Understanding Peter's Message: Living Hope and Inheritance
13:53 Living a Life of Growth and Submission
24:59 Spiritual Growth and Glorifying God
30:20 Submission to Authority for the Lord's Sake
34:10 Responding to Injustice with Christlike Submission
42:29 Final Reflections and Prayer